Applied Anatomy – 8+ Important Information You Should Know About Veterinary Applied Anatomy

Do you want to learn most important topics from veterinary applied anatomy? In this article I am going to share 8+ important information and topographic anatomy of different organs, structures from animal that you should know.

After reading this article you will get a complete overview of applied veterinary anatomy. You will also get the surface and topographic anatomy of different organs that are important practically.

So, if you are interest to learn about these important topics then, you might read this full article carefully. If you need the applied anatomy pdf please let me inform through direct contact. You will find the applied anatomy ppt at the end of this article.

Okay, let’s get into the main topics of the article – veterinary applied anatomy

Important information of applied anatomy

In this article I am going to cover the following important information of applied veterinary anatomy –

#1. Nerve blocking site (surface anatomy) of animals

#2. Location of different clinically important organs of animals

#3. Palpation site and surface anatomy of different palpable organs

#4. Surface anatomy of heart, lung and their auscultation sites

#5. Fluid and urine collection site of animals

#6. Surface anatomy of blood collection site of animals

#7. Clinically important lymph-node with their surface anatomy

#8. Applied anatomy of patella and patellar ligament

Veterinary applied anatomy

In this article I am going to summarized all the important contents that you should know to apply your anatomical knowledge on practices. But you should have a good details idea about these contents, organs and structures of different animals. If you want to memorize all the details anatomical features of these important organs then you might find full guide at here in anatomy learner blog.

Applied anatomy of nerve and their blocking site in different animals

In this section you will learn the applied anatomy of nerve along with their blocking site in animals. I will show you the blocking site of radial, median, ulnar, ischiatic, tibia, fibula, mental, cornual nerve blocking site in animals. You will also get the paravertebral and epidural epidural nerve blocking site of animals.

You know radial nerve (of cattle or sheep or goat) emerges between brachialis and extensor carpi radialis and continues distally on craniomedial aspect of forearm.

Site for radial nerve block in ruminant – mid way between the acromion process and olecranon process or point of elbow joint

Median nerve of cattle or goat runs posterior to the radius bone (within the groove).

Site for median nerve block in ruminant – in between the caudal border of radius bone and flexor carpi radius muscle 

Ulnar nerve emerges between the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnaris lateralis in goat.

Site for ulnar nerve block in ruminant – midway between olecranon process of ulna and the accessory carpal bone

Ischiatic never – the blocking site for radial nerve is medial aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur bone. If you want to learn the course of ischiatic nerve in goat then find the article at here in anatomylearner blog

Tibia never of goat seperated from fibular nerve at middle of thigh and continue between two head of gastrocnemius muscle.  The site for tibial never block in goat – above the hock joint in between achillis tendon and extensor muscle of leg.

Fibular nerve runs lateral to head of gastrocnemius in between fibularis longus and extensor digitorum lateralis muscle in goat. Site for fibular never block in goat – posterior aspect of lateral condyle of tibia bone.

Applied anatomy of nerve of head and paravertebral region

You might palpate mental foramen of goat by holding the lower jaw just below the angle of the lip by thumb and index finger. Then you should push slowly the finger upwards with the tight grip; you will find a shallow depression there. This is the perfect place for mental never block in goat

For mandibular alveolar nerve block in goat you should follow the following process. But practically it is so hard to perform mandibular alveolar nerve block in goat.

Draw a line along the masticatory surface of mandibular cheek teeth. Now you should draw another perpendicular line through the lateral canthus of the eye that will be crossed the first line. The crossed point of these two lines is the site for mandibulo-alveolar nerve block.

Surface anatomy of Cornual nerve and blocking site in cattle and goat

If you want to block the cornual nerve in cattle you should only block single nerve – the cornual nerve. Again you should also perform a ring block around the base of the horn.

But in goat you should perform two nerves (cornual nerve and infratrochlear nerve) block for complete cornual nerve block.

Site for cornula nerve block in goat – midway between the lateral canthus of eye and lateral base of horn

Again, site for infratrochlear never block – dorsomedial margin of orbit or midway between the medial canthus of eye and medial base of horn.

Anatomy of paravertebral nerve and blocking site in animals

Hope you know the spinal nerve exist from – vertebral canal at intervertebral foramina; this is proximal paravertebral nerve. Again, the branch of spinal nerve runs more distally at free ends of lumbar transverse process just posterior border of corresponding ribs; these are distal paravertebral nerves.

If you want to block the proximal paravertebral nerve in goat or cattle then you should perform the followings –

You should find out the depression between last rib and tip of transverse process of first lumbar vertebrae in animal. This space is considered as landmark for proximal paravertebral nerve (Thoracic thirteen) block in animal.

Surface anatomy of different clinically important organs in animals

Here I am going to share the surface anatomy of different organs of animals that are clinically important.

You should know all the surface and topographic anatomy of animal’s body. Here in this article I am going to focus most clinically important organs under the course of veterinary applied anatomy.

Surface anatomy of lung – lungs are paired organs that occupy most parts of the thoracic cavity and separated by mediastinum. It extends from second rib to eleventh rib at left side and first rib to tenth rib at right side.

Surface anatomy of liver – it is the largest solid gland and placed in the right side of abdominal cavity of animal. It directed obliquely downwards and forward; extends from lumbocostal angle to the level of seventh to eight rib

Surface anatomy of kidney – The right kidney is located below the proximal end of last rib and frist two or three lumbar transverse process in ruminant. The location of left kidney is variable; when rumen full it placed below and behind the right kidney at the level of bodies of third, fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae.

Surface anatomy of spleen – It is located obliquely downward and forward direction in upper end and left part of abdomen between left face of rumen and diaphragm in cattle and goat.

Surface anatomy of heart of animal

It located at the ventral half of the middle mediastinum with the base directed upward and apex downward. The base of the goat heart extends from third rib to sixth rib; below the spine. Again the apex of goat heart is located opposite to sixth chondrosternal joint and very close to diaphragm.

You should also know the surface anatomy of rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum and urinary bladder of different animals. You might find details anatomy in different animals from specific post from anatomy learner.

Site of auscultation of lung and heart

You should draw a line in between the caudal border of scapula and tuber coxae of animal (right side of the body). Then draw a line from caudal angle of scapula to olecranon process of ulna. Again, you should draw a line in between the olecranon process of ulna and last rib. You will find a triangular area which is considered as a site of auscultation of lung.

Site for auscultation of heart – you will find heart sound at the level of point of elbow joint (cranio-dorsally and medial to elbow joint) in between the third and sixth ribs (third or fourth intercostal space)

Applied anatomy of vessels of animals body

You should know the applied anatomy of all clinically important vessels from animal body. Here I am going to represent only few vessels from animal’s body

Jugular vein – it formed by the internal maxillary and superficial temporal veins at the border of mandible just below the tempomandibular articulation. Jugular puncture is always best in right side in animals (esophagus courses left lateral)

Know the details anatomy and courses of other important vessels of the animal’s body like brachial artery, median artery, femoral artery and cephalic vein.

Clinically important lymph-node with their surface anatomy

Mandibular lymph-node – located between sternocephalicus and ventral part of mandibular salivary gland (middle side of the angle of mandible)

Superficial cervical or pre-scapular lymphnode – located at the cranial border of supraspinatus muscle and it is covered by brachiocephalicus and omotransverserious muscles

Subiliac or prefemoral lymphnode – located at aponeurosis of oblique externus abdominis muscles; close to tensor fascia lata

Popliteal laymphnode – located deeply in a mass of fat on gastrocenemius muscles and between biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles

Mammary lymphnode –  it lies between thigh and posterior half of the base of udder and the ventral wall of pelvis

Scrotal lymphnode – located below the prepubic tendon in mass of fat around neck of scrotum

Applied anatomy pdf and ppt

Anatomy learner made veterinary applied anatomy pdf for the new learner. Hope this veterinary applied anatomy pdf or ppt will help you a lots to learn anatomy.


Hope you got an idea about the applied anatomy of different organs from animal’s body. If you want to know more about different topics from veterinary applied anatomy then you might stay connected with anatomy learner blog.

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