Cat Femur Bone

Cat Femur Bone

The femur of a cat is a long bone of the hind limb. Its osteological features are a little different than those of the dog’s femur bone. Here, you will learn the details of the osteological features of the cat femur bone with the diagram. Quick answer: The cat femur is the hindlimb’s long bone … Read more

Where is the Liver in a Dog?

Where is the Liver in a Dog

The exact location of the dog’s liver is essential for veterinary practice. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘Where is the liver in a dog?’ Quick answer: the dog’s liver is located at the right side of the abdominal cavity behind the diaphragm. It extends obliquely downward and forward from the … Read more

How is a Dog Kidney Different From a Pig Kidney?

How is a Dog Kidney Different From a Pig Kidney

Both the dogs and pigs have bean-shaped kidneys. But, you may easily differentiate the dog kidneys from the pig kidneys by their other external features. Here, you will know the exact answer to the question – ‘How is a dog kidney different from a pig kidney?’ Quick answer: the dog’s kidneys are bean-shaped, less elongated, … Read more

How Big are Dog Ovaries?

How Big are Dog Ovaries

The dog ovaries are paired organs attached by the mesovarium to the body wall and mesosalpinx. They are comparatively smaller than the ovaries of the cow. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘How big are dog ovaries?’ Quick answer: the average length of the dog’s ovaries is 1.5 centimeters. Meanwhile, the … Read more

Where is the Fabella on a Dog?

Where is the Fabella on a Dog

The fabella is the sesamoid bone in the stifle joint of a dog. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘Where is the fabella on a dog?’. Quick answer: The dog’s lateral and medial fabellae are above the corresponding condyle at the distal-caudal aspect of the femur bone. They work as the … Read more