It is important to know the animal anatomy for the veterinary student or artists who love to draw the animal’s figure. In this post, I will provide an overview of animal anatomy study for the veterinary learner.
Hi, if you are a beginner in veterinary education, you might start with the animal anatomy subject. You know, animal anatomy deals with the study of biological structures of different animals. It is concerned with the forms and structures of different organs or tissue of principal domesticated animals on this planet.
After reading this post, you will understand how to read anatomy easily, and I will show you the best place to learn veterinary anatomy system-wise.
If you have an interest in knowing the topics under animal anatomy study, then you may continue this post.
Animal anatomy in details
Animal anatomy is divided into three major divisions – macroscopic or gross anatomy, microscopic or histology, developmental anatomy, or embryology. I will discuss only the macroscopic anatomy or gross anatomy in this post.

You know, the different biological structures of an animal’s body are studied after dissection with the help of the eye only in gross anatomy. There are different methods of learning the gross veterinary anatomy –
#1. Systemic anatomy
#2. Surface anatomy
#3. Surgical anatomy
#4. Comparative anatomy
#5. Radiological anatomy
#6. Topographic anatomy
#7. Functional anatomy
#8. Clinical anatomy
#9. Applied anatomy
You may choose any type of veterinary gross anatomy learning method. But I would like to suggest you follow the best gross animal anatomy learning method, and that is – systemic anatomy. If you want to know more about systemic anatomy learning methods, then you might read this article.
Topics of animal anatomy for veterinary study
I am very interested in informing you of the topics of animal anatomy for the veterinary study. For your kind information, I will follow the systemic anatomy learning methods in this post.
If you also follow the systemic anatomy learning method, you might learn the different organs anatomy from the following system of the animal’s body –
#1. Osteology or skeletal system of animal
#2. Syndesmology or arthology or joint anatomy
#3. Myology or muscle anatomy
#4. Digestive organs anatomy
#5. The respiratory system of animal
#6. Organs of the cardiovascular system of animal
#7. Organs of the urinary system of animal
#8. Male genital organs anatomy
#9. Female genital system of animals
#10. The nervous system of animals
#11. Endocrine glands anatomy
#12. Special sense organs of animals
Hey, wait; don’t worry; you could learn these organ systems with anatomy learner in easy ways. If you are interested in learning these organ systems with anatomy learners, then go to this page, choose organ systems, and start learning animal anatomy.

Do you have time to know the topics under these organs systems of animal’s body? I will enlist the most important topics under the different organs system of an animal’s body.
Osteology from animal anatomy
Osteology deals with the components of the skeleton, which is the hard framework of an animal’s body and supports the soft structures. This skeleton consists of bones, cartilage and ligaments. You will find mainly two types of the skeleton in the animal body – axial and appendicular skeleton.
You might have a good knowledge of the osteological features of different types of bone from the animal skeleton. Under this osteology of animal anatomy, you might know the following bones anatomy from different animals –
- #1. Osteological features of forelimbs of animals (like – scapula, humerus, radius and ulna, carpal, metacarpal and phalanges)
- #2. Anatomical structures of hind limbs bones of animals (like – hip bone, femur, tibia and fibula, tarsal and metatarsal bones)
- #3. Features of ribs and sternum bones of different animals.
- #4. Animal vertebrae and their osteological features with identifying points
- #5. The bone of skull of different animals (like – cow, sheep, goat, dog, horse, pig and others).
You may learn the detailed osteological features of the bones as mentioned above of animals with their labeled images with anatomy learner if you want.
Joint anatomy or syndesmology of animal
You might also know the different joints of an animal’s body. You know, joints are these structures formed by the union of two or more articular ends of bones or cartilages with the help of binding material like ligaments or muscles.
Okay, you should know the common structure of a synovial joint of the animal. Under syndesmology, you should cover the following topics –
- #1. Synovial joint structures
- #2. Joint list from the forelimb of animals
- #3. List of joint of animals from hind limbs
- #4. Joints of the skull of animals
- #5. Joints of the vertebral column of animals
You might also know the different types of ligaments of an animal’s joint and their common structure. The supraspinous ligament is a very strong and long ligament of the animal’s body that extends from the occipital bone to the sacrum bone. You should know the details anatomy and different parts of the supraspinous ligament.
Don’t forget to learn some special joint structures like stifle joint anatomy, hip joint anatomy and shoulder joint anatomy of animals.
If you want to learn the joint anatomy of animals, then learn the joint anatomy of animals with the list.
Myology or muscle anatomy of animal
This is also an important and basic requirement for further learning of veterinary anatomy. At least you might know some of the common muscles from the animal body with their fiber direction, origin and insertion.
You should learn the list of animal muscle from the following region of the animal’s body –
- #1. Muscles of the head region of animals
- #2. List of muscles of neck, shoulder and thorax of animals
- #3. Forelimb muscle anatomy (list, origin, insertion and fiber direction)
- #4. Muscles of the hind limb of animals (list, origin, insertion and fibers direction)
- #5. Details anatomy of the abdominal muscle of animals.
- #6. Other muscles anatomy – like a tail muscle, muscles of the hyoid region.
There are many articles on animal muscle anatomy here in anatomy learner. If you want to know muscle anatomy, you might read these articles (find more images, videos, and diagrams).
Ruminant digestive system anatomy
Fine, now you are going to learn the internal organs anatomy from an animal. The ruminant digestive tract is a musculo membranous tube that extends from the mouth to an-eus. You might know the list of organs of the ruminant digestive system and the anatomy of all the organs in detail.
Don’t forget to learn the surface anatomy of different important organs from the ruminant digestive system, like the surface anatomy of the rumen, reticulum, abomasum, liver, and intestine. Learn the details anatomical features from the following organs of the digestive system of animal anatomy –
- #1. Anatomy of the mouth cavity
- #2. Details anatomy of the tongue of ruminant (also other animal’s tongue)
- #3. The course of esophagus of animals
- #4. Stomach anatomy of cow, sheep, goat, horse, dog, cat and pig
- #5. Different parts of the intestine (large and small intestine of animals)
- #6. Anatomy of liver, spleen and pancreas of animals
- #7. Salivary gland anatomy
You may read the anatomy of different organs of the digestive system with the anatomylearner blog.
Respiratory system from animal anatomy
The respiratory system of an animal consists of respiratory passages (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi) and lungs. You might cover the following topics under the respiratory system of animals.
- #1. Nasal cavity anatomy
- #2. Larynx anatomy with different types of cartilages
- #3. Different parts of animal trachea
- #4. Lung anatomy and differences between the right and left lung anatomy of animals.
- #5. Bronchial tree structure and pulmonary circulation in animals
You may read the different articles related to respiratory organs of animals from anatomy learner if you want. You might emphasize learning lung anatomy from different animals.
Urinary organs of an animal
Kidneys are the paired lobulated oval or bean-shaped glands in cattle, smooth surface in goat. You might learn the detailed anatomy of right and left kidneys from different animals. The urinary system of animals consists of kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.
The contents of the urinary system of animal anatomy are short but so important. You might know the surface anatomy of the kidney and urinary bladder for practice.
So, let’s learn the detailed anatomy of the following organs from the urinary system of animals –
- #1. Right and left kidneys of animals
- #2. Anatomy of the ureter (right and left)
- #3. Anatomy of the urinary bladder (with surface anatomy)
- #4. Urethra anatomical structure
You will also find many articles related to urinary organs anatomy here in the anatomy learner blog.
Male genital system and organs anatomy
Genital systems (both male and female) are the most important system of the animals body. The testes (two in numbers – right and left testis) are the solid gland housed in the scro-tuem with the help of spermatic cords. The scrotuem is a cutaneous sac that develops from the genital swellings and is located in front of the inguinal region.
You might have a good knowledge of epididymis anatomy, vas deferens anatomy, pe-anis anatomy, and the inguinal canal from the male genital system of animals.
Under this male genital system of animals, you should cover the following organ’s anatomy –
- #1. Testis anatomy with labeled diagram
- #2. Epididymis anatomical structure
- #3. Anatomy of vas deferens of animals
- #4. The anatomical structure of the pen-ais of different animals
- #5. Structure of spermatid cord with its contents
- #6. Comparative study of male genital organs among different animals.
I have published articles related to male genital organs of animals here in anatomy learner. If you interest in learning male genital organ anatomy, then you may read these articles.
Female genital organs from animal anatomy
The organs of the female genital system are ovaries (two ovaries – right and left), oviducts or fallopian tubes, uterus and va(g)zi-nea. You might also learn the accessory organ (mammary gland) anatomy from the female genital organ of the animal.
Ovaries are two oval bodies, one on each side, located a little above the midline of the pelvic inlet attached by the broad ligament. You might learn the detailed anatomy of different parts of the fallopian tubes of female genital organs.
Don’t forget to learn the surface anatomy of the ovary and uterus as they need for practice. I have published articles on different organs of the female genital system of animal anatomy here in anatomy learner. If you wish to learn these organ’s anatomy then, you may read these articles.
You will find the following organs anatomy in anatomy learner –
- #1. Anatomical features of animal’s ovaries
- #2. Fallopian tubes structure with labeled diagram and real pictures
- #3. Anatomy of the uterus of different animals
- #4. Mammary gland anatomical features
Cardiovascular organs of animals
This is also another important system of the animal’s body where you might know the detailed anatomy of the heart and it’s associated structures. Here, you might know the heart’s external and internal anatomical features along with the surface anatomy in different animals.
Under the cardiovascular system, you should cover the following organ or structure’s anatomy –
- #1. Surface anatomy of heart from different animals
- #2. Aorta and its branches (learn different parts in details)
Nervous system anatomy
The nervous system is one of the largest animal body systems where you might learn the anatomical features of the brain, spinal cord and different types of cranial and spinal nerves. Don’t avoid the course of peripheral nerves; these supply the digit of animal’s limbs.
Under the nervous system of animal anatomy, you might learn the following topics –
- #1. The anatomical structure of the brain and spinal cord of different animals
- #2. Cranial nerves with their course and distributions
- #3. Spinal nerve formation, course and distributions
Special sense organ anatomy
You might also learn some special sense organ’s anatomy in animal anatomy course study. Let’s find the details guide on the following organs of animals from anatomy learner –
#1. The anatomical structure of the skin
#2. Details anatomy of different parts of the eye
#3. Animal’s ear anatomy
You may also learn the specific anatomy with anatomy learner –
#1. Goat anatomy
#2. Cow anatomy
#3. Dog anatomy
#4. Avian anatomy
#5. Horse anatomy
How to learn veterinary anatomy or animal anatomy easily?
I am not going to suggest to you the best ways to learn veterinary anatomy or animal anatomy. Here I will share my anatomy learning strategies; if you like these strategies, you may apply. Or you may plan your strategy to learn veterinary anatomy in an easy way.
During studying any organ or structure from animal anatomy course, you may follow the simple process (if you want) –
- #1. Enlist the key anatomical features of that particular organs or structure
- #2. Try to draw and labeled these key anatomical features (no need to be perfect in the drawing)
- #3. Must learn the topographic and surface anatomy of that particular organ or structure
- #4. Test your knowledge with the help of real anatomical samples at the laboratory
- #5. Finally, read the details guide and make a short note or write the key points from the large paragraph
If possible, I will regularly update this article (animal anatomy, courses, study); let’s follow the anatomy learner on Instagram or anatomy learner on Pinterest for the latest updates on articles or images.
I hope you got an overview of the topics of animal anatomy study. For animal anatomy drawing, you may take help from a veterinary anatomy learner laboratory. Don’t forget to share this article if you think this might help other’s anatomy beginners to know all the topics under veterinary anatomy.
If you have any inquiries related to animal anatomy study, then feel free to contact me.