Bull Testi-clc Anatomy – Full Guide to Learn Animal Testis

Do you want to learn about bull testi-cl anatomy?

In this article I am going to discuss on labeled anatomy of a bull testi-csle. I will also provide bull reproductive system diagram.

You will get little information about boar reproductive system and others. After reading this article you will able to understand bull testi-clce external anatomy. You will also learn about bull testi-cl internal anatomy.

I have a special gift for you – reproductive system of bull pdf at the end of the article. If you have interest to learn reproductive system of bull and its functions then please continue.  Okay, let’s learn bull testis anatomy together.

I will try to cover the following structures from bull testis –

#1. Bull testi-cle anatomy

#2. Bull testi-clce external anatomy

#3. Labeled anatomy of a bull testi-clce

#4. Bull testi-clce internal anatomy

I would like to provide following valuable information from bull reproductive system anatomy –

#1. Organs of bull reproductive system ppt

#2. Bull reproductive system diagram

Organs of bull reproductive system

The organs of reproductive system of bull are –

#1. Testis (bull testi-clce anatomy)

#2. Epididymis (it has three main parts – head, body and tail of epididymis)

#3. Vas deferens or ductus deferens

#4. Spermatic cord

#5. Accessory genital glands (seminal vesicle, prostate gland and bulbo urethral gland)

#6. Male urethara (external urethral orifice)

#7. Pen-is

#8. Prepuce

These organs are same in other animals. The anatomy of these organs is almost same. I will discuss the main differences of different organs from different animals at the end of this article.

In this article I am going to focus bull testi-clce external anatomy and bull test-icle internal anatomy. To know more about external genitalia you may read article at here.

Bull reproductive system diagram (bull testi-clce anatomy)

Please try to draw bull reproductive system diagram. Let’s focus on external and internal bull testi-clce anatomy. Try to labeled your drawing with followings –

#1.  Urinary bladder

#2. Male urethra

#3. Pe-nis

#4. Suspensory ligament

#5. Ischiocavernosus muscle of pen-is

#6. Bulbo-spongiosus muscle of peni-s

#7. Retractor peni-s muscle

#8. Glans pen-is

#9. Ecternal urethral orifice

#10. Scrotuem of bull

#11. Testi-clce of bull

#12. Epididymis of bull

#13. Ductus deferens of bull

#14. Spermatic cord

Let’s follow this bull reproductive system diagram and make better. Hope you will draw better reproductive system of bull than me.

Let’s focus on bull testis anatomy. You should identify the following structures from gross anatomy of testis –

#1. Scrotuem

#2. Skin

#3. Dartos

#4. Scrotal fascia

#5. Parietal layer of tunica vagzi-n(e)al

#6. External cremaster muscle

#7. Head of epididymis

#8. Body of epididymis

#9. Tail of epididymis

#10. Testiclular vessels

#11. Spermatic cord

Hope you got the basic idea of structure of bull testi-clce. Want to learn details about testis?

Bull testi-clce anatomy

There are two testes housed in scrotuem. So, let’s start with the anatomy of scroteum of bull.

Scroteum is a cutaneous sac like structure located in front of inguinal region. It develops from swelling of genitalia. Scroteum contains –

#1. Testi-clces

#2. Spermatic cord (parts)

Bull testi-clce external anatomy

Mainly you should describe the anatomy of bull scroteum here.

#1. In ruminant, scrotuem is ovoid and long. It compressed from cranial to caudal.

#2. But in horse, it is globular and asymmetrical. The left testic-lce of horse is larger than right one.

You will find the following three layers from lateral to medial aspect of testis –

#1. Skin layer

#2. Dartos layer and

#3. Scrotal fascia

The important features of skin of scrotuem are –

#1. It is thick, elastic and smooth

#2. Reddish yellow color in ruminant

#3. Dark or black in color in horse

#4. Thinly covered by fine hairs

#5. Presence of large sebaceous and sweat glands

#6. Presence of longitudinal scrotal raphe in middle

The important features of dartos are –

#1. Dartos contains subcutaneous muscle and fibroelastic tissue

#2. Closely attached to the skin

#3. Reddish in color

#4. Contribute with longitudinal scrotal raphe and form septum of scroetum. This septum divides scroetum into two equal pouches.

Important features of scrotal fascia of bull scroetum –

#1. Scrotal fascia derives from obliquus abdominis muscles

#2. There are three layers of scrotal fascia in bull testis. They are spermatic fascia, external cremasteric fascia and internal spermatic fascia

The spermatic fascia derived from external obliquus abdominis muscle. External cremastic fascia derived from internus obliquus abdominis muscle. The other name of internal spermatic fascia is infundibuliform fascia. It derived from transverse abdominis fascia.

This external cremestic fascia fused with parietal peritoneum of vagzi-n(e)al tunic.

Parietal layer of tunic vagzi-n(e)al form bull testic-lce anatomy

You should identify the gross structure of parietal layer of tunic vag(z)inea from bull testic-lce anatomy.

What is tunic vag(z)ineal? Vazi-neal tunic is a fibroserous sac like structure. It continuous with the parietal peritoneum at the deep inguinal ring of inguinal canal

Vazineal tunic extends through inguinal canal to the bottom of scroetum. It has two layers – parietal and visceral layer.

The parietal layer of va(g)zineal tunic lines scrotuem ventrally. Its narrow, tubular part lays inguinal canal. Finally, it directly continues with the parietal peritoneum at the deep inguinal ring.

The visceral layers cover spermatic cord, test-iclce and epididymis.

Don’t know about inguinal canal?

Inguinal canal is actually an oblique passage through the abdominal wall. It is located between the deep and superficial inguinal rings.

These passages are located in front of the corresponding pubis bones. The following structures passages through this inguinal canal in male –

#1. Cremaster muscle

#2. Ilioinguinal nerver

#3. Ilioinguinal vessels

#4. Spermatic cord

But in female you will find the following structures these passages through inguinal canal –

#1. Round ligament of uterus of cow

#2. Ilioinguinal nerves

#3. Blood vessels

#4. Cremastic muscle

Want to know about spermatic cord with its’ contains? Please find the information about spermatic cord at the end of this article. 

External pudental artery and vein supply blood in scrotuem.

Nerve supply – by ventral branches of second and third lumbar nerves

Do you found pendulous or drawn up condition of scrotuem in bull?

There is subcutaneous muscular tissue in scrotuem. When expose to cold, it become thicker and wrinkle. Thus scrotuem drawn up.

When expose to heat, it become relaxed, become smooth and pendulous

Bull testi-clce internal anatomy

Here we will learn details about gross anatomy of bull testi-(clce) anatomy. You should identify the following internal structures from the testis gross anatomy –

#1. Trabeculae and septa of connective tissue or mediastinum testis

#2. Seminiferous tubules

#3. Lobuli testis

#4. Tubuli seminiferous

#5. Tubuli recti

#6. Vasa efferentia or efferent ducts

#7. Ducts of epididymis

#8. Pampiniform plexus

#9. Tunica vazin(e)alis reflexes

#10. Tunica vazinaulis propria

#11. Vas deferens

Testes are two in number – right and left. They are the solid gland and suspended in to screotum by spermatic cord. Testis located at the inguinal region in vertical direction in ruminant. But in horse, you will find it in longitudinal direction.

It is elongated and oval in outline. The left testis is larger than the right testis in bull.

Testis has two surfaces, two borders and two extremities. The surfaces of testis are –

Lateral – it is smooth and convex

Medial surface – it is flatten and contact with longitudinal scroteal raphe.

There are two borders in bull testis and they are –

#1. Free or cranial border

#2. Caudal or epididymal border

Free border is convex and free in bull. The caudal border is convex and attached with the body of epididymis.

There are two extremities – head and tail extremity. The head extremity attached with the head of epididymis. The tails extremity attached with the tail of epididymis. It is rounded in shaped.

The testic-le surface covered by vazinul tunic. You know this is a serous membrane.

Beneath tunica vag(z)in(e)alis you will find tunica albuginea and tunica vasculosa. The tunica albugenea is strong capsule composed of dense white fibrous connective tissue. There are also smooth muscle firber in tunica albuginea.

Tunica vasculosa composed of areolar and vascular membrane.

Testis in different animals

Testis in horse

Testes directed longitudinally

Located at prepubic region

Ovoid and compressed side to side

Medial surface is convex and smooth

Epididymal border faced dorsally

The mediastinum testis is absent

Testis in dog

Testis located at half way between inguinal region and an-eus

It directed obliquely, dorsally and caudally

The shape is small, round and oval

Mediastinum testis is well developed

Tests in boar

Testi-cle are larger and relatively soft

Located little below aneus

Directed backward

Mediastinum testis well developed

Spermatic cord is larger in boar

Cremaster muscle is well developed in boar

In histology of testis you will find the following layers of cells in seminiferous tubule –

#1. Spermatogonia

#2. Primary spermatocyte

#3. Secondary spermatocyte

#4. Spermatid and

#5. Spermatozoa

You may learn testis histology in details at here in this blog.

Labeled anatomy of a bull testi-(clce

Let’s try to identify the internal structure of testis of bull.

Do you need bull reproductive system ppt?

I would like to provide little bull epididymis anatomy and vas deferens anatomy.

Epididymis closely attached to test-(iclce along caudal border

It is also covered by the vag(z)in-eal tunic, thin albuginea and tunica vasculosa layers. Epididymis has three parts –

#1. Head of epididymis

#2. Body of epididymis and

#3. Tail of epididymis

Head of epididymis is long, elongated at cranial part. It curves over dorsal extremity and cranial border of test-iiclce.

Epididymis has dozen or more coil tubules. These coil tubules are known as efferents ducts.  They are grouped into different lobules within the tes-iticle.

They unite to form single tubule – known as duct of epididymis. The duct of epididymis form the body and tail of epididymis

Duct of epididymis closely connected with test-iiclce by connective tissue and serous membrane

The body of epididymis is very narrow. It lies along the lateral border of the tes-tticle.  Body is closely attached with testii-clce by narrow serous covering.

The tail of epididymis is lagre. It closely attached at ventral extremity of testiclce. There is a tail ligament of epididymis which bind tail with testi-cclce.

The tail of epididymis continued by ductus deferens.

Testicrular artery supply blood to epididymis. They desends in cranial part of spermatic cord. They are tortuous near the testicl-cle.

Testicular artery runs craniad on the free border to cranial extremity of testicl-cle.

Reneal and caudal mesenteric plexus are responsible for nerve supply in epididymis. The another name of these plexus is testicular plexus.

Other from bull testi-kcle anatomy

Do you want to learn ductus deferens gross anatomy? The another name of ductus deferens is vas deferens.

It is a thinner wall cord like structure. Ductus deferens covered with peritoneum except last several parts. They are the continuation of tail of epididymis.

At the caudal border of testi-kcle it is flexous. It became straight and lies at caudal part of spermatic cod. Then it desends in the inguinal canal.

At the vazi-n-eal ring it seperates from other constitutes of spermatic cord. You should know about the content of spermatic cord. Fine I enlisted the contents of spermatic cord below for you.

Ductus  deferns turns caudally and medially into pelvic cavity

It lies in the free edge of genital flod and leaves it. Then it inclines medially and come in contact with medial face of seminal vesicle. Ductus deferens contact seminal vesicle at caudo dorsal aspect of bladder.

At the neck of uninary bladder, it disappears under isthmus of prostate gland. Again it continues through wall of urethra.

Blood supplied by testicrular artery, umbilical vein and internal pudental artery. You will get a full guide about different vessels at gross anatomy cardiovascular system part.

Pelvic plexus is responsible for nerve supply to ductus deferens.

Do you want to know the contents of spermatic cord now?

Spermatic cord

It begins at deep inguinal ring and extends obliquely at ventrally. Spermatic cord passage through inguinal canal and passes over side of pe-(nis)

It ends at the attached border of testi-kcle. It has two bundle – cranial bundle and caudal bundle.

In cranial bundle of spermatic cord you will find the following structures –

#1. Testicrular artery

#2. Testircular vein

#3. Lymphatics

#4. Bundle of smooth muscle tissue

#5. Testicrular plexus of autonomic nerves

In the caudal bundle of spermatic cord you will find the following structures –

#1. Ductus deferens

#2. Visceral layer of va-zgi-neal tunic

Blood supply to spermatic cord – by spermatic artery

Nerve supply to spermatic cord – by spermatic plexus

This is bonus for you

You may also learn about accessory genital glands. There are three accessory genital glands in bull. They are –

#1. Vesicular or seminal vesicle gland

#2. Prostate gland and

#3. Bulbourethral gland

Bulbourethral gland is also called cowper’s gland.

Seminal vesicles are two elongated lobulated gland. They unsymmetrical in shaped and located on each side of caudal part of dorsal surface of urinary bladder.

Dorsal surface of seminal vesicle faces dorsally and covered with peritoneum. The ventral surface of seminal vesicle faces ventrally and non-peritoneal.

Execratory duct open at seminal colliculus.  Lateral to the opening of corresponding ductus deferens.

Prostate gland is pale yellowish in color. They are also two lobulated gland located on the neck of urinary bladder and ventral to recteum. It consists of two lateral lobes and connective isthmus.

The prostatic duct opens between two folds of mucous membrane caudal to seminal colliculus.

The bulbourethrl are two in number and located at either side of pelvic part of urethra. Each gland composed of several tubules and each has single ducts.

The duct opens into urethra on dorsal wall under cover of fold of mucous membrane.

Seminal vesicle is absent in dog. Bulbourethral and seminal vesicle are lager in boar.


Hope you got a better idea about bull testi-kcle anatomy. Please watch the video carefully and learn from labeled anatomy of a bull testi-kcle.

You may practice again and perform bull reproductive system diagram. Please let me inform if you need bull reproductive system ppt.

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I used to publish article like bull testic-clce internal anatomy in a regular basis. Do you want to know more about bull anatomy diagram? You may follow this blog to learn other organs like bull testis. For quick update about the articles please follow this anatomylearner at social media.

Could you please make difference of bull vs boar reproductive system?

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