Where is the Fabella on a Dog?

Where is the Fabella on a Dog

The fabella is the sesamoid bone in the stifle joint of a dog. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘Where is the fabella on a dog?’. Quick answer: The dog’s lateral and medial fabellae are above the corresponding condyle at the distal-caudal aspect of the femur bone. They work as the … Read more

What are the Segments of the Forelimb in Dogs?

What are the Segments of the Forelimb in Dogs

The forelimb of a dog is divided into four different segments. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘what are the segments of the forelimb in dogs?’ Quick answer: The shoulder girdle, arm, forearm, and manus are the four forelimb segments in dogs. These segments consist of specific bones of the forelimb. … Read more

What are Bone Projections?

What are Bone Projections

The bones of the animal skeleton show long, large, elongated, and curved projections. Here, you will know the answer to the question – ‘what are bone projections’? Quick answer and explanation: process, trochanter, cornu, tuberosity, tubercle, spine, crest, and line are the various types of bone projections. I will describe all these bony projections with … Read more

What is a Line in Bone Anatomy?

What is a Line in Bone Anatomy

The osteological terms line, spine, and crest are the different forms of elongated bony elevation. Here, I will answer the question – ‘what is a line in bone anatomy?’ with an example. Quick answer and explanation: the line in the bone anatomy is a faint elongated elevation. Typical features of the line are found in … Read more