Peni Histology – Histological Features of Erectile Tissue

In pen-is histology you should describe the erectile tissue histology, urethra and glans pen-is. The erectile tissue consists of the corpus cavernosum peni-s and corpus spnogiosum pen-is. The corpus spongiosum pen-is muscle actually surrounds the spongiose urethra in animal pen-is.

Hey, do you want to learn the peni-(es) histology from different animals? Well, you are in the right place where you are going to learn complete erectile tissue histology of pe-inis from different animals. 

In this article I am going to discuss on peni-es histology form different animals along with main identifying characteristic under the light microscope.

If you want to know the characteristics of erectile tissue histology like corpus cavernosum then I would like to request you to read this full article. After reading this article you will able to identify the corpus cavernosum, corpus spongiosum and urethra from peni-es histology slide.

Fine, let’s get into the article – erectile tissue histology of pe-inis from different animals.

Pe-inis histology slide

In laboratory, you should identify the following important structures from the peni-es histology slide under the light microscope.

#1. Corpus cavernosum of pe-nis muscle of animal

#2. Corpus spongiosum of peni-es muscle of animal

#3. Dorsal arteries of peni-es of animal

#4. Deep arteries of corpus cavernosum of peni-es muscle in different animals

#5. Urethra surrounded by the corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscle of animal along with its lining epithelium

#6. Tunica albuginea of peni-es of animals

#7. The connective tissue septum in corpus cavernosa pen-eis muscle of animal

#8. Outer connective tissue layer that surrounds the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscles in animal

Great, let’s find and try to identify these structures of animal pen-eis from the labeled diagram of pen-eis histology slide.

Identifying characteristics of peni-es histology of animal

Do you want to identify the peni-es slide under light microscope at laboratory? Good, you may identify the peni-es slide by observing these following important characteristics under light microscope. But this information is not enough to learn peni-es histology. You should learn details histological features of peni-es from different animals below.

So, let’s enlist the main identifying characteristics of pe-inis slide of animals from animal –

#1. Presence of two corpus cavernosum pe-inis muscles separated by the connective tissue septum

#2. Deep artery in the erectile tissue lined by endothelium lining (at corpus cavernosa pe-inis muscle)

#3. Tunica albuginea surrounds the paired corpus cavernosum pen-eis muscle

#4. Presence of corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscle at ventral portion of animal pen-eis

#5. Urethra is surrounded by the corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscle which is lined by transitional epithelium (lining epithelium varies with condition)

Peni-es histology slide labeled diagram

Want to learn pen-eis histology in details with labeled diagram from different animals? Here in this part I am going to discuss on general histological features of peni-es. Then I will discuss on the differences of histological features of peni-es from different animals.

Erectile tissue histology

You will find two types of erectile tissue in peni-es in animal –

#1. Corpus cavernosum pen-eis muscle and

#2. Corpus spongiosum pe-inis muscle in animal

You will also find retractor pe-inis muscle in animal pe-inis structure. You may find anatomical structure of pe-inis of animal at here in anatomylearner blog. This will help you to memorize the pe-enis muscles in animal.

Okay, let’s discuss on the erectile tissue histology of pen-eis in animal.

Corpus cavernosum and tunica albuginea histology

Corpus cavernosum peni-es muscles are two in numbers and placed dorsally of animal peni-es. This corpus cavernosum pen-eis muscle is surrounded by the thick tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea of animal pe-inis consists of thick layer of dense irregular connective tissue along with variable numbers of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells.

Trabeculae or septum divides the paired corpus cavernosum pen-eis muscle completely or partially. The space between the connective tissue septum and tunica albuginea is filled with erectile tissue and blood vessles.

Corpus spongiosum histology

Corpus spongiosum is single mass of erectile tissue that is located ventrally and surrounds the urethra. Again, corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscle is covered by the dense connective tissue layer along with few smooth muscle cells

You know the predominant lining epithelium of urethra is transitional epithelium in different animals. If you want to know more about the histology of male urethra of different animal then find the article at here in anatomylearner blog.

Glans pe-inis

Gland pe-inis is the dilated distal end of corpus cavernosum pen-eis in animal. It surrounds by tunica albuginea which is rich in elastic fiber. The tunica albuginea of glans peni-es forms the trabeculae that separate the erectile tissue into two parts. Glans pen-eis is covered by retractable skin which is known as prepuce

Peni-es histology in different animal

In corpus cavernosum peni-eis in stallion, you will find the smooth muscle bundle which is arranged in longitudinal axis of the pen-eis. The connective tissue of corpus cavernosum of stallion consists of more elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells.

The corpus cavernosum of dog pen-eis is completely separated by the thick connective tissue septum. Adipose tissue may present between the two parts of corpus cavernosum pen-eis muscle in the histology of cat pe-inis.

The gland peni-es of dog consists of bulbus glandis and pars longa glandis. Here in the bulbus glandis you will find large venous separated by thick connective tissue septum. This connective tissue septum of dog peni-es is rich in elastic fibers.

Do you want to learn histology of other male genital organs from anatomylearner? You might like the histology of the following organs from anatomy learner blog –

#1. Histological features of prostate gland histology in different animals

#2. Complete guide to learn histology of testis of different animals

#3. Histological features of vas deferens of animal

Peni-es slide labeled pictures

Here I used some pen-eis slide labeled pictures that might help you to learn all structures from pe-inis histology of animal. I am happy to share drawing pictures of histological structure of animal pen-eis. You might draw histological structure of animal pen-eis.

Again if you need more pictures related to peni-es histology then you may follow anatomy learner at social media at here.


Hope you got best guide to learn peni-es histology with labeled diagram. If you want to know more about the erectile tissue histology in details let me inform. I will provide a details guide on corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum pen-eis muscles histology.

If you think this article is helpful for you to learn pen-eis histology, erectile tissue histology and tunica albuginea of peni-es then share this article with your friends who want to identify peni-es structures under light microscope. Don’t forget to read testis histology, ovary histology, prostate histology and uterus histology from anatomy learner

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