Retina Histology – 10 Layers Description with Labeled Diagram

Retina is the innermost part of eyeball in animal. In retina histology, you will find the photosensitive optic part of retina and that is principally composed of two different layers. These main two layers are pigment epithelium and nervous layer of retina in animal.

Hey there, do you want to learn retina histology with different layers description along with labeled diagram? Okay, in this article I am going to show you the different layers of retina histology under light microscope with real pictures.

I will also enlist the 10 layers of retina histology of animal’s eye along with proper description. If you want to learn animal retina histology with labeled diagram then this article is for you.

You will get the real retina labeled pictures and 10 layers of retina histology ppt from this article. Okay, let’s get into the article – retina histology description.

Retina histology

In the sensory part of retina histology, you will find the following 10 different layers in animal’s eye. I am going to enlist these 10 layers of retina from animal eye with description.

#1. Pigment epithelium cell layer

#2. Layers of rods and cones cells of retina

#3. External limiting membrane layer of retina

#4. Outer nuclear layer of retina

#5. Outer plexiform layer of retina

#6. Inner nuclear layer of retina

#7. Inner plexiform layer of retina

#8. Ganglion cell layer of retina

#9. Optic nerve fiber layer of retina and

#10. Internal limiting membrane layer of animal retina

Please try to memorize these 10 retina layers of animal’s eye. These 10 retina layers are arranged from outer part from inner part of sensory region of animal retina.

Retina histology layers description

I am going to describe the retina histology layers with labeled pictures. I will try to make it simple for your easy understand.

Pigment epithelium layer of retina histology

This layer is formed by the simple squamous or simple cuboidal epithelium that is resting on a basal lamina. This basal lamina is also known as the bruchu membrane of chroid)

There you may find the deep folding of plasmamembrane at the base of this pigment epithelium cells. These cells also contain numerous mitochondria and numerous melanin granules (except these cell overlaying tapetum lucidum)

You will find the apical microvillous process and several layers of leaflike process of these pigment cells of retina. The apical microvillous processes partially sourround the outer segment of rods cells and several layers of leaflike processes entirely surround the outer segment of cones cells.

Do you want to know the function of the pigment epithelium cells layers of retina? Well I am going to enlist the function of this pigment epithelium layer of retina –

#1. Absorption of light – melanin pigment absorbed light after photoreceptor are stimulated, thus preventing relfexion of light back

#2. Phagocytosis of tips of rods by lysosome

#3. Provide structural and metabolic support for photoreceptors

#4. Transportation of ions by mitochondria and basal infodling of plasma membrane

Layer of rods and cones of retina histology

This is the photoreceptor layer of retina histology of animal which is consists of outer segment of rods and cones cells. Fine, if you want to know more about the rod and cone cells of retina, please find the information given below of this article

The rods cell are responsible for vision in dim light in animal and the cone cell works in the bright light and responsible for the color vision in animal.

External limiting membrane of retina layers

This is the junctional comples between the process of adjoining radial glial or muller cells and photoreceptor cells. The microvilli of radial glial cells project peripherally between inner segment of rods and cones cells.

Outer nuclear layer of retina

This layer consists of cell bodies of rods and cones containing nuclei. The cone cell nuclei lie close to the external limiting membrane. You might get help from the retina histology labeled diagram to understand these cells and layers.

Outer plexiform layer of retina

The outer plexiform layer of retina is a synaptic layer that is formed by the axon fibers of rods and cones cells with dendrite of bipolar neuron and with the process of horizontal cells. Please identify the bipolar neuron and horizontal cells first from the labeled diagram of retina histology.

Inner nuclear layer of retina histology

This inner nuclear layer of animal retina is formed by mainly the cell bodies of bipolar neurons and also by the horizontal and amacrine cells. You might find the amacrine cells from the retina labeled diagram to understand this inner nuclear layer structure.

You will find two types of bipolar cell – diffuse bipolar and monosynaptic bipolar cells here. The diffuse bipolar which have synapse with more than one photoreceptors cell. Again, the monosynaptic bipolar cell which make synapse with only one photoreceptor cell

Inner plexiform layer of retina histology

In this inner pleaxiform layer of retina histology, you will find the following synaptic contacts in animal’s retina

#1. Synaptic contacts between the bipolar cells and ganglionic cells

#2. Synaptic contacts between amacrine and ganglionic cells and

#3. Synaptic contact between the adjacent amacrine cells

Please find out these synaptic contacts from the animal retina layers labeled diagram

Ganglionic cells layers of retina

This ganglionic cells layer consists of larger multipolar neurons (ganglionic cells) with the larger euchromatic nuclei. These multipolar neurons receive input form the bipolar neuron and their axon form optic nerve.

Nerve fiber layer of retina

Axon of the ganglionic cells forms this nerve fiber layer of retina histology. These axon coverage and exist at the optic disk of retina and form optic nerve in animal’s eye.

Internal limiting membrane of retina histology

This internal limiting membrane of retina histology is formed by the expanded processes of radial glial cells which unite to form a continuous layer at internal part or retina.

If you want to know more about the different 10 layers of animal retina histology then let me inform. I will try to provide other information about 10 layers of retina.

Retina histology layers labeled diagram

I am going to share the hand drawing retina histology layers labeled diagram with you. Hope this retina labeled diagram will help you to understand the every single layer of animal retina easily. If you need more labeled retinal histology pictures then join with anatomy learner at here.

Difference between rods and cones cell of retina

Do you want to know about rods and cones cell of retina? In rods cell you will find the following important features –

#1. The outer segment of rods cells is thin, long and cylindrical shaped

#2. Have dark round nuclei that is located at the deep to external limiting membrane of retina

#3. The rod fibers end in knob like rod spherule

#4. The membranous disks of the outer segment are independent

In cones cell of retina, you will find the following features –

#1. The outer segment of cones is thick, short and conical in shaped

#2. Have pale oval nuclei that is located close to external limiting membrane of retina layers

#3. The cone fiber ends in cone – pedicle having branched expansion

#4. The membranous disks are continuous with plasma membrane


Hope you got the best guide to learn retina histology with anatomy learner. Now you are able to describe all the 10 layers of animal retina histology with labeled diagram.

Again, if you like this retina histology description, I would like to request you to share this article with your friends who want to learn about 10 layers of retina.

If you want to learn other different histological features of different organs or structure then you might follow anatomy learner blog. Don’t forget to read cerebellum histology and cerebrum histology from anatomy learner.

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